Raise money at school or college

Our doctors and nurses are real-life heroes to children and young people across Bristol.

The money pupils raise will go directly to supporting their NHS heroes in our local hospitals. It will make a difference to children who have to stay in the hospital. It will give comfort to families when they need it most. It will support the wellbeing of our staff who continue to work day and night to care for your community.

Choose us as your Charity of the Year and we can organise for someone to talk to you all about life at our hospitals.

You can also organise a special fundraising event at any point throughout the school year.

It has been very difficult for our school community to be apart for so long and to try and remain connected to each other. When we first heard about the 10 Bake Challenge, we jumped at the chance to feel like we were able to do something to support our amazing NHS and our local hospital.
Office Manager, Trinity Academy

Ways to raise money at school

Primary schools

Get creative with a calendar of simple events that will help you raise money throughout the school year to help patients and staff in our hospitals. Taking on our 10 Bake Challenge, organising special dress-up days or coming up with seasonal craft activities are just a few ideas!

Secondary schools

Give students a chance to learn about charitable giving and their local community by raising money for the NHS staff who have cared for their family and friends throughout the pandemic. Non-uniform days, sponsored sporting events or our Great Bristol Buskathon are just a handful of the many ways you can support your local NHS.

Raise money with your college or university

Get behind your NHS this year. Whether you’re part of a student society or sports club, or your SU or RAG committee is searching for a Charity of the Year, we can help you and your friends raise money for your local NHS.

We’ll support you with an application to your college or university’s RAG committee or meet with the committee to talk about how your fundraising will make a huge difference to patients, families, and staff in our hospitals.

We’re here to help you

If you already know how you want to raise money for our hospitals, or are looking for some inspiration, get in touch with Ian and he will give you all the support you need to make your fundraising a success.

We will give you collection buckets, sponsorship forms and posters to support your events, guidance on setting up an online fundraising page, and lots of helpful hints and tips so your students enjoy every step of their fundraising journey.

Contact Hannah

Community Fundraising Manager


07920 413700

Thank you for your support – it makes a huge difference to our patients, their families and our staff.

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