National Friendly’s Charity of the Year


We are so proud to have been named National Friendly’s Charity of the Year for 2019.

The Bristol-based financial services company have chosen our Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit fund to support during the year with a series of fundraising and sponsored events.

The charity was chosen by National Friendly’s staff after the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility committee asked every member of staff to nominate a new charity of the year for 2019.

Each member of staff who nominated a charity, had to provide background information regarding what the charity does and why it resonates so much with them personally.

In total, there were five charities put forward and a poll was sent out to all staff members, who then voted for one cause to be the new charity of the year.

We are so grateful to have been nominated by Sales Support Team Leader, Louise Webber, whose two children had been treated in NICU at Southmead Hospital. Louise is taking part herself, with plans to run the Bristol 10k and a swimathon later in the year.

“My son Cameron was born weighing 1lb1Oz and my second son Brandon was born weighing 3lb 9oz. The unit treated me like a queen, both times I was there with my sons. They supported me through the unfortunate loss of my first son and spent two months looking after my second son.

“I visit the unit every year on Cameron’s birthday and spend time in the room dedicated to parents like me.

“Each year, I look through the books and it’s amazing to see over the years how the loss of babies has declined. I know that this is to do with research/technology being advanced, but also it is due to the charity and the staff for all of the extras that they do to give these babies the very best chance of a start in life.

“I would love for National Friendly to really get behind this charity in 2019 and give even more local families the great care that I and my sons had.”

Louise Webber

One of the key NICU projects that this money will support is a nearby flat for parents of babies on the unit, providing a comfortable home away from home if they live outside of Bristol.

“Having the support of an organisation like National Friendly is a huge boost to the charity and we are really grateful to be chosen as their charity of the year – thank you Louise for putting us forward.

“We are really looking forward to working with National Friendly and we know their employees already have some exciting fundraising plans.”

Adrian Brown, Corporate and Community Manager at Southmead Hospital Charity

Our corporate partners mean the world to us and to the staff and patients at North Bristol Trust. If you’d like to make a real difference to your local community, please get in touch with Adrian Brown today.

Thank you for your support – it makes a huge difference to our patients, their families and our staff.

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